Bring back the smiles in children's faces by letting them know that there is someone who LOVES and CARES for them.

👋 Meet Cythia, from Kenya! 🇰🇪


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Cynthia is a young lady who has had a hard time going to school due to having no school requirements such as school fees and other scholastic materials. Her parents have no source of income and depend on casual work to take care of six children in the family. She is very hard working in school and loves playing netball and reading history books. Given support, she will attend school regularly and hence maintain and improve her current performance. Her dream is to become a social worker so that she can help other needy families in the society. Your generous support will enable her continue studying and realize her dream.

A full monthly donation of $76.00 OR yearly donation of $912.00 will help support the education and the making of CYNTHIA NAFULA NYONGESA's dream a reality.

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